[Added 11-10-2002]
[Amended 11-2-2010]
Any elected or appointive official or employee of the Town, if bound over to a grand jury for a felony allegedly committed, or charged with a felony, shall be automatically suspended, as of the date of action, without pay if any accrues to his/her position. Said official or employee shall have the right to appeal to the Town Council pursuant to § C5-8(9). In the event of conviction, he/she is automatically discharged as of the date of the suspension. In the event of acquittal, or in the event the grand jury returns no indictment when bound over, he/she is reinstated as of the date of suspension, and entitled to all back pay compensation due and accrued during his/her suspension without prejudice to further removal proceedings pursuant to Article XXI below. In the event of removal, vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.