Off-street parking provisions and standards.
Off-street parking space shall be provided as further specified in this chapter and shall be furnished with necessary passageways and driveways.
Under the terms of this chapter a parking space shall not be less than nine feet in width and 19 feet deep.
In addition, off-street parking areas for nonresidential areas shall provide an additional area of 100 square feet of area per off-street parking space to provide sufficient area for access drives and aisles.
All such space shall be deemed to be required space on the lot on which it is situated and shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner.
All parking areas, passageways, and driveways, (except when provided in connection with one and two family residential uses and farm residences) shall be surfaced with a dustless, durable, all-weather pavement clearly marked for car spaces and shall be adequately drained, all subject to the approval of the Coordinator of the Department of Public Works.
Parking areas exclusively serving seasonal operations of a recreational nature may be constructed of unpaved granular base course material (compacted stone), provided that such areas shall be adequately drained, and provided further that all driveways leading to such parking areas shall be surfaced with a dustless, durable, all weather pavement, all subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works.
None of the off-street parking facilities as required in this chapter shall be required for any existing building or use, unless said building or use shall be expanded, in which case the provisions of this chapter shall apply only to the expanded portion of the building or use. If any existing building is converted to a new use through to the granting of a special use permit, the Planning Commission may determine on a case-by-case basis what the parking requirement shall be, provided that such requirement shall not exceed the requirements of Schedule II.
[Amended 2-23-1989 by Ord. No. 89-6; 8-9-1990 by Ord. No. 90-14; 10-5-1995 by Ord. No. 95-007; 5-2-1996 by Ord. No. 96-004]
A site plan shall be filed with the permit application where off-street parking facilities are required or permitted, under the provisions of this chapter, in connection with the use or uses for which application is being made.
The collective provisions of off-street parking areas by two or more buildings or uses located on adjacent lots shall be permitted, provided that, except as provided for in Subsection A(14) below, the total parking spaces of such facilities shall not be less than the sum required of the various buildings or uses computed separately and further provided that the land upon which the collective facilities are located is owned or leased by one or more of the collective users. In any such shared parking facility, all parking spaces shall be equally available to the users of any of the buildings or uses sharing the collective parking area.
[Amended 6-15-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-04]
No driveway providing access to an off-street parking area shall be located closer than 50 feet to the intersection of two streets from the curbline.
When a parking area for five or more vehicles adjoins a residential district or use a planted buffer strip at least 10 feet wide shall be provided between the parking area and the adjoining property.
Such buffer strip shall include a fence or hedge or shrub six feet in height at maturity and shall be maintained in good condition without any advertising thereon.
All parking areas and appurtenant passageways and driveways serving commercial and industrial uses shall be illuminated adequately during the hours between sunset and sunrise when the use is in operation.
Adequate shielding shall be provided by commercial and manufacturing uses to protect adjacent residential districts and streets from the glare of such illumination and from that of automobile headlights.
Off-street parking areas located in commercial districts and which provide parking for 20 or more vehicles shall be provided with shade trees of a type approved by the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation. The shade trees shall be located in a planned manner within the parking lot area in quantity equal to not less than one shade tree for every 10 parking spaces.
Not more then one commercial vehicle of not more than one ton manufacturer's rated capacity shall be permitted to be parked overnight or on Sunday on each lot in a residential district unless placed in an enclosed garage.
There shall be adequate provisions for ingress and egress to all parking spaces. Where a lot does not abut on an alley or easement of access there shall be provided an access drive not less than 10 feet in width in the case of a dwelling and not less than 20 feet in width in all other cases, leading to the parking or storage areas or loading or unloading spaces required hereunder in such manner as to secure the most appropriate development of the property in question, but such easement of access or access drive shall not be located in any R District which shall provide access to uses other than those permitted in such R Districts.
Wherever possible access to off-street parking areas for 25 or more cars shall be so designed as to provide ingress and egress by right turns only.
All permitted and required accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed shall be located on the same parcel of property as the use to which such spaces are accessory, except that such spaces may be provided elsewhere provided they are located within a radius of no greater distance than 250 feet from that parcel of property. And provided further that required spaces are provided off the site in accordance with the provisions set forth herein and that such spaces shall be in the same ownership as the use to which they are accessory unless the parking area is a shared parking facility which is owned or leased by another of the collective users, per Subsection A(4) above.
In order for an off-street parking area to be established on a separate lot to serve a particular use as described above, the area designated for parking shall be in the same zone district as the permitted use.
All driveways leading from public streets to parking areas serving major commercial developments, and all travel lanes within such parking areas, shall be built to City specifications and standards for private commercial streets. Travel lanes, as differentiated from parking aisles, are intended primarily to serve as accessways leading from streets to parking aisles and loading and unloading areas, whereas parking aisles are intended primarily to provide access to parking spaces.
[Added 10-28-1993 by Ord. No. 93-20]
If a parking area is shared by two or more adjacent buildings or uses, pursuant to Subsection A(4) above, or if a parking area serves a mixed-use building, the total number of parking spaces provided may be less than the sum required of the various buildings or uses if computed separately, provided that the various uses have differing peak parking demand times, as indicated in the Peak Parking Demand Table below. The required parking spaces for weekday and Saturday peak demand for each use shall be calculated and the required parking spaces for the uses shall be aggregated, and the minimum parking requirement for the shared facility shall be the greater of either the weekday peak demand or the Saturday peak demand.
[Added 6-15-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-04]
Peak Parking Demand Table
Type of Use
Parking spaces per 1,000 of net floor area
Retail (less than 400,000 square feet)
Parking spaces per 1,000 of net floor area
Retail (greater than 400,000 square feet)
Parking spaces per 1,000 of net floor area
Parking spaces per 1,000 of net floor area
Parking spaces per seat
Parking spaces per dwelling unit
Hotel — guest rooms
Parking spaces per guest room
Hotel — restaurant/lounge
Parking spaces per 1,000 of net floor area
Hotel — conference rooms
Parking spaces per seat (at maximum capacity)
Convention center space
Parking spaces per 1,000 of net floor area
Required off-street parking space. Required off-street parking space for specific uses as regulated in this chapter is contained in Schedule II which is part of this chapter.
Zoning Schedule II
Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
[Amended 3-3-1994 by Ord. No. 94-001; 5-15-1997 by Ord. No. 97-010; 6-15-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-05]
Type of Use
Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
Single-family detached dwelling
2 parking spaces
Two-, three- and four-family dwellings
1 1/2 spaces per dwelling unit
Garden apartments, townhouses, and high-rise apartments
1 1/2 spaces per dwelling unit
Rooming houses
1 parking space per every 1 1/2 roomers the residence is capable of accommodating
Tourist homes/bed-and-breakfasts
1 parking space per guest room in addition to the off-street parking spaces required for the residence
Dormitory, fraternity and sorority house
1 parking space for every 1 1/2 persons the residence is capable of accommodating
Home-operated barber- and beauty shops
2 parking spaces per beauty chair or barber chair, plus 1 parking space for each nonresident employee, in addition to the off-street parking* spaces required for the dwelling
Home-operated doctor or dentist office
5 spaces for client use plus 1 parking space for each nonresident employee, in addition to the off-street parking spaces required for the dwelling
Home occupations (other than those listed above)
At least 2 spaces for client or customer use in addition to the off-street parking space required for the dwelling. The Planning Commission may require additional customer parking if it is determined that the home occupation will generate significant traffic.
Mobile home parks
2 parking spaces for each mobile home the park is capable of accommodating
Senior apartments
1 space per dwelling unit
Enriched housing facilities
1 space per dwelling unit
Health-related uses
Medical or dental clinics or offices
5 spaces for patient use for each doctor or dentist, plus 1 space for each employee, but not less than 1 space per 450 square feet of net floor area
Medical research, experimental and testing laboratories
1 parking space for every 250 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof
Paramedic, medical transport, and ambulance service providers
3 parking spaces per ambulance/rescue vehicle
1 space for each 3 beds plus 1 space for each employee on the maximum shift
Nursing and convalescing homes, proprietary home or adult care home
1 space for each 3 beds
Motel and hotel
1 parking space for every 500 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof, but not less than 1 parking space per guest room
Barber- and beauty shops
2 parking spaces per beauty chair plus 1 parking space for each employee
Business and professional offices
1 parking space for every 250 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof
Retail and service shops except when otherwise specifically covered herein
1 parking space for every 250 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof
Stores for retail sale of furniture, appliances or hardware
1 parking space for every 600 square feet of net floor area or floor area or major fraction thereof
Supermarkets and self-service food stores
1 parking space for every 200 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof
1 parking space for every 3 washing machines
Bowling alleys
4 parking spaces for each bowling lane
Restaurants, cafeterias, taverns, bars
1 parking space for every 2 1/2 seats for customers, but not less than 1 space per 75 square feet of net floor area
Drive-through and carry-out restaurants
4 parking spaces for every 100 square feet of net floor area. (For restaurants providing both carry-out service and indoor seating, the parking requirement shall be calculated based on the area devoted to each service.)
Convenience stores
1 parking space for every 200 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof, plus 2 service spaces for each fuel dispenser, if applicable
Motor vehicles sales including used car sales, boat sales
1 parking space for customer parking for every 600 square feet of net floor area or fraction thereof. In no case, however, shall a motor vehicle sales establishment provide fewer than 10 off-street parking spaces exclusively for customer use.
Garage — repair or service
2 parking spaces for each service bay, plus 1 space for each employee
Motor vehicle service station
1 parking space for every 200 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof, plus 2 service spaces for each fuel dispenser, if applicable
Funeral homes, mortuaries
15 spaces per parlor
Day-care facilities, adult and child
1 parking space per employee, plus 1 parking space for every 10 clients, based on licensed capacity
3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area
1 parking space for each employee plus one space for each 1,000 square feet of net floor area in the buildings for use by visitors to the building or buildings. The employee ratio shall be applied to that shift of work activity that has the greatest number of employees. Total parking area shall not be less than 25% of the building floor area. Such parking area may be located in any of the required yard areas but shall not be located within any buffer area as required by this chapter
Public and other uses
Nonoffice public utility installation
5 spaces
Parks and other outdoor recreation sites
5 parking spaces per each gross acre of land up to 50 acres and 1 space per gross acre of land above 50 acres
Country clubs, golf courses
1 parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area occupied by all principal and accessory structures, except those for parking purposes
Auditorium, churches, theaters, assembly halls and similar places of public and quasi-public assembly having fixed seating facilities
1 parking space for every 3 seats in the main assembly unit
Auditorium, exhibition halls, assembly halls, community centers and similar places of public and quasi-public assembly not having fixed seating facilities
1 parking space for every 200 square feet of net floor area
Off-street parking shall not be required to serve specific uses in the C-2A Main Street, Central Business District, where land is generally highly developed, is extremely valuable, lot areas generally small and there exists little possibility for vehicle storage.
These regulations shall apply to all uses in all residential zone districts, except multifamily dwellings in the R-3 Zone Districts.
Private residential parking areas shall be less than 700 square feet and less than 200 square feet when located in the front yard.
Private residential parking areas shall not be located within an area extending perpendicularly from the front wall of the residence, excluding attached garage, to the front lot line.
The sum of driveway and private residential parking areas shall not comprise more than 40% of the front yard, or 20% of the total lot.
[Added 11-18-1999 by Ord No. 99-006]
For every building, structure or part thereof having over 5,000 square feet of net floor area erected and occupied for commerce, hospital, laundry, dry cleaning, places of public assembly, industry, and other similar uses involved in the receipt and distribution of vehicles of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and permanently maintained adequate space for standing, loading, and unloading services in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys.
[Amended 3-3-1994 by Ord. No. 94-001]
Every building structure addition thereto having a use which complies with the above definition shall be provided with at least one truck standing, loading and unloading space on the premises not less than 12 feet in width, 55 feet in length, and 14 feet in height. One additional truck space of these dimensions shall be provided for every additional 15,000 square feet, or fraction thereof, of net floor area in the building.
Off-street loading facilities for separate uses may be provided jointly if the total number of spaces so provided is not less than the sum of the separate requirements for each use and provided that all regulations governing the location of accessory spaces in relation to the use served are adhered to.
Access to a truck standing, loading and unloading space shall be provided directly from a public street or alley or from any right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and that will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.
Loading space as required under this section shall be provided in addition to off-street parking space and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking space.
Off-street loading and unloading area shall be surfaced with a dustless, durable, all-weather pavement, which shall be adequately drained.
When a loading or unloading area adjoins a residential district or use, a planted buffer strip at least 10 feet wide shall be provided between the parking area and the adjoining property. Such buffer strip shall include a fence or hedge six feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition without any advertising thereon.
Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street loading areas shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining premises in any residential district.
In order to encourage the sound development of street frontage, the following special regulations shall apply to all uses permitted within the commercial, office, and industrial districts:
Access barrier.
Access to streets shall be controlled in the interest of public safety.
Each building or group of buildings used for nonresidential purposes, and its parking or service areas, shall be physically separated from the highway by a curb and planting strip, or other suitable barrier of not less than five feet in depth along all streets against unchanneled motor vehicles access or egress, except for accessways authorized therein.
Each separate use, grouping of attached buildings or groupings of permitted uses shall not have more than one accessway for every 200 feet of frontage except as permitted by this chapter.
Insofar as practical, the use of common accessways by two or more permitted uses shall be provided in order to reduce the number and closeness of access points along the streets and to encourage the fronting of business and industrial structures upon a parallel access street and not directly upon a primary road. Accessways for industrial uses shall not be less than 24 feet nor more than 40 feet in width. Except where otherwise permitted all other accessways shall not be less than 20 feet nor more than 30 feet in width.
Landscaping consisting of attractive trees, shrubs, plants and grass lawns shall be required and planted in accordance with the site plans submitted and approved by the Planning Commission.
Buffer planting as defined in this chapter shall be provided along the side and rear property lines of all commercial and industrial districts or uses so as to provide protection to adjacent properties where such lot lines abut a residential district or use. Such buffer planting shall be subject to the terms of this chapter. Rear and side buffer strips shall not be less than 10 feet in width.
In addition to such buffer planting, the owner of the commercial or industrial property shall erect on the buffer area a fence or hedge six feet in height at maturity except as restricted elsewhere for the purpose of protecting the residential property from litter, debris and light glare and such other nuisances that would disturb peaceful possession. Such fence shall contain no more than 25% open space.
The responsibility for maintenance of the commercial or industrial property referred to herein shall be the shared responsibility of the owners of the property and any other tenants who may be in possession thereof.
Such fencing referred to above shall be located only as shown on the site plan approved by the Planning Commission.
Not less than 10% of the lot area for any new commercial, office or manufacturing construction shall be devoted to seeding, planting, retention of tree cover and shall be used for no other purpose. Exception shall be permitted, however, for uses in the C-1 and C-2 Commercial Districts.
No hedge shall be permitted in the C-L, R-L, or P-R District which would obstruct or obscure the view from adjacent roadways or surrounding properties of the lake or other natural scenic vistas, except for such buffer plantings as may be required by other sections of this chapter or as may be required and approved by the Planning Commission in approving the site plan as per § 850-19C(1).
[Added 6-9-1988 by Ord. No. 88-4]
No fence shall be erected within 25 feet of a street line or 10 feet of a property line without obtaining a permit form the Zoning Officer. A request or a permit shall be accompanied by a site plan which shall show the location of the fence in relation to all other structures and buildings and in relation to all streets, lot property lines and yards. The request shall also describe the proposed fence, including its dimensions and the materials to be used in its construction.
[Amended 12-15-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-20]
At the intersection of two or more streets in any district, no fence hereafter erected, altered or reconstructed may exceed three feet in height above curb level or adjacent ground level (whichever is lower) when located in the triangular area formed by the intersecting street lines and a line joining each street line 30 feet distance from said intersection along said street line.
Within 25 feet of any street line in any district, no fence hereafter erected, altered, reconstructed or relocated may exceed three feet in height unless the Zoning Officer shall determine in writing, after appropriate investigation, that the proposed fence shall not so obstruct the vision of pedestrians and motorists so as to constitute a safety hazard; and in no event shall such fence exceed six feet in height.
[Amended 12-15-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-20]
In all cases not governed by Subsection B(2) and (3) above, no fence hereafter erected, altered, reconstructed or relocated in any district shall exceed six feet in height.
The foregoing restrictions shall not be applied so as to prevent the erection of an open wire fence not exceeding eight feet above ground level anywhere within a public park, public playground or school premises.
All fences must be erected within the property lines, and no fences shall be erected so as to encroach upon a public right-of-way.
All fences shall be maintained in a safe, sound and upright condition.
If the Zoning Officer, upon inspection, determines that any fence, or portion of any fence, is not being maintained in a safe, sound or upright condition or is not being constructed, erected, altered, reconstructed, relocated or maintained within the terms and conditions of an issued permit or the terms of this chapter, he shall notify the owner of such fence in writing of his findings and state briefly the reasons for such findings and order such fence or portion of such fence repaired, reconstructed or removed within 30 days of the date of written notice.
[Amended 12-15-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-20]
These restrictions shall not be applied so as to restrict the erection of a wall for the purpose of retaining earth.
Fences for swimming pools shall be in conformance with the requirements of § 850-55 of this chapter.
The following fences and fencing materials are specifically prohibited: barbed wire fences; sharp pointed fences; canvas; cloth; and electrically charged fences.
Barbed wire top extensions to seven feet chain link fences may be permitted as a safety factor in the case of electrical transformer substations and gas storage and pumping stations upon the obtaining of a special use permit.
Notwithstanding Subsection B(4), no fence shall be erected in the C-L, R-L, or P-R District which would obstruct or obscure the view from surrounding properties of the lake or other natural scenic vistas. Such fences shall be subject to architectural review as required by § 850-19C(3) of this chapter.
[Added 6-9-1988 by Ord. No. 88-4]
No person shall construct or maintain a gate which shall swing outward over any sidewalk within the City.
[Added 5-3-2007 by L.L. No. 1-2007]
[Amended 6-19-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-013; 7-1-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-007]
Building permit requirements.
A building permit is required for the installation of all swimming pools. For the purpose of this section, the term “swimming pool” means any structure, basin, chamber or tank which is intended for swimming, diving, recreational bathing or wading and which contains, is designed to contain, or is capable of containing water more than 24 inches deep at any point. This includes in-ground, aboveground and on-ground pools; indoor pools; hot tubs; spas; and fixed-in-place wading pools. All new and existing swimming pools shall meet the applicable requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and National Electric Code.
Building permit application shall be made to the Code Enforcement Officer and accompanied by: two complete sets of plot plans showing all lot lines, existing structures, yard measurements and proposed lighting facilities drawn accurately to scale.
The waterline of a swimming pool shall not be nearer than 10 feet to the rear or side property line of the premises, 10 feet to any structure, and the total pool area (including water and apron) shall not occupy more than 10% of the total area of the lot on which it is located.
No swimming pool shall be permitted in a required front yard or side yard.