The Office Overlay District protects and enhances the existing residential neighborhoods in close proximity to commercial and institutional activity centers and along major thoroughfares. The existing activity level and traffic volumes in these areas provide an environment suitable for certain small-scale office uses that can exist in close proximity to neighborhoods without adversely affecting the residential environment. The OO District permits mixed residential and limited small-scale office-type uses on properties that are large enough to accommodate sufficient off-street parking and screening requirements. The preservation and rehabilitation of sound residential structures while accommodating increased use options is the primary function of the district. The OO District is to be overlaid upon the existing residential zoning district.
The following uses and structures are permitted in the OO District in existing structures only. The initial conversion is subject to site plan approval:
Permitted uses allowed in the underlying district.
Commercial uses when limited to the following:
Professional office.
Medical or dental office.
The following uses are allowed as specially permitted uses in the OO District in existing structures only. The initial conversion is subject to site plan approval:
Specially permitted uses allowed in the underlying district.
The lot, area and yard requirements of the OO District shall conform to the underlying district.
The building requirements of the OO District shall conform to the underlying district.