No person shall advertise within the Borough park system without the written authorization from the Borough.
No person, business, group, or organization shall solicit for business, alms, contributions, or for any purpose without written authorization of the Borough.
Carrying signs, handing out flyers, picketing or demonstrating on Borough park property is prohibited without a permit and shall only be conducted in areas that do not impede the normal operating functions of the public and the Borough.
No person without a permit shall cause or permit any animal owned by him, in his custody or under his control, except a dog in a permitted area when restrained by a leash not exceeding six feet in length, or those animals permitted by state statute, to go or be in any park area, and each such animal so found at large may be seized and handled as provided by the law or ordinance covering stray animals on highways or public property then in effect at the place where such stray animal may be seen.
Any person having control, or person that should have control, over an animal or animals within the Borough park properties shall dispose of any feces left by the animal(s). Any and all feces shall be removed by said person whether feces is located a publicly maintained area or close enough to a publicly maintained area as to cause public annoyance. Such feces is required to be disposed of in a proper, sanitary manner by the person having control or person who should be in control of the animal(s).
No person shall possess or use any explosives, fireworks or other explosive pyrotechnics in a Borough park without the written authorization of the Borough.
No person shall bring into, or have in, said parks any poison or poisonous substance, without the written authorization of the Borough.
No person shall build, light, or maintain any fire or discard any burning materials in said parks. Personal charcoal or propane gas grills are not permitted without a permit.
No person shall be permitted within the Borough's parks, recreation facilities, or environmental areas after sunset and before sunrise except in designated areas or as authorized by a specific Borough park permit, or enter the Borough's parks before its official opening.
No person shall sell or offer for sale any object or merchandise or any other thing, whether corporeal or incorporeal, except pursuant to a permit issued by the Borough. Charter sports clubs of the Borough are permitted to conduct their normal fundraising efforts in accordance with their field permits, these Park rules and regulations, and any other relevant Borough requirements such as Board of Health matters.
Alcoholic beverages. No person shall possess any unsealed alcoholic beverage container anywhere within the Borough's parks. No person shall consume alcoholic beverage within the Borough's parks, unless granted a special permit as explained below.
Special permit. Not withstanding the provisions contained in Subsection A above of these regulations, a special permit may be issued by the Borough, or its duly authorized representatives, for the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which permit shall include terms and conditions as established by the Borough and shall specify the duration of said permit. For the purposes of this section, the term "unsealed" shall mean a container with its original seal broken or a container such as a glass or a cup.
No person shall possess any weapons as defined by N.J.S.A. 2C:39-1 unless a permit to do so within the park has been issued by the Borough. Nothing in this section shall apply to law enforcement officers possessing their weapons during the course of normal business.
No person shall discharge a weapon within the Borough's parks without the written authorization of the Borough. The term "weapon" shall include, but not be limited to, firearms, paint guns, toy cannons, bows, and arrows, air guns, and sling shots. Nothing in this section shall apply to law enforcement officers discharging their weapons during the course of normal business.
No person shall urinate or defecate in a Borough park except in facilities provided for such use.
No person shall change in or out of any clothing or bathing attire except in areas designated or customarily provided for such use.
No person while in a Borough park shall engage in the act of sexual intercourse or other sexual, indecent or lewd act, or appear in a state of nudity.
No person shall engage in any course of conduct which disrupts, interferes with, is unduly annoying or prevents or obstructs the lawful use or enjoyment of a Borough park by another.
No person shall spit within the Borough Park System except into sinks, containers, or materials customarily provided for such purposes, and any such spitting that is allowed shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner.
No person shall smoke cigarettes, cigars, or use other tobacco products on or within Borough parks.
No person shall erect or maintain a tent or shelter and/or camp in any area except by permit only.
No person shall enter a Borough park facility, lands or portions thereof that have been designated or posted as "Closed," "Park Closed," "No Trespassing," "Restricted Area," "Keep Out" or any other verbal or posted warning or physical barrier.