Definition of Development Parcel. Development Parcel is defined in Article 10 (Definitions).
Development Parcel Plans.
When Development Parcel Plan Required. None of the following shall occur except pursuant to and in compliance with a Development Parcel Plan that has been prepared, submitted and certified in accordance with this article, Article 8 (Administration, Procedure and Enforcement) and all standards and requirements applicable thereto unless otherwise noted:
[Amended 12-21-2020 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
Filing, issuing, applying for, certifying, or approving any subdivision application or plat, Building Permit, Building and Lot Plan, Special Exception Use, Site Plan, or other Development approval or request relating to, or subdividing, resubdividing, commencing construction on, altering the exterior of an existing Structure, or developing, redeveloping, or improving any part of a Development Parcel with an already certified Development Parcel Plan; or
Approving any Zoning Map Change encompassing five or more acres that is not within any existing or proposed CD-3, CD-3.R20, CD-3.R7, CD-3.R5, SD-PMU, or SD-PRD Character District, other than any Zoning Map Change prepared on behalf of the Village; or
Filing, applying for, certifying, or approving any subdivision application or plat or Site Plan for a Development Parcel that does not have an already certified Development Parcel Plan.
Preparation and Requirements. Each Development Parcel Plan must be prepared in accordance with § 345-501B(5) below and must conform to the requirements of § 345-501B(6) and other provisions hereof.
Plan Submission.
If a Development Parcel Plan is required by virtue of § 345-501B(1)(a), such Development Parcel Plan must be submitted for review and Certification of Compliance by the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator prior to taking any of the actions described in § 345-501B(1)(a).
If a Development Parcel Plan is required by virtue of § 345-501B(1)(b), such Development Parcel Plan must be submitted as part of the applicable application for approval of the Zoning Text Amendment pursuant to § 345-807B or Zoning Map Change pursuant to § 345-807C.
Action on Plan. An application for review and Certification of Compliance with respect to a Development Parcel Plan must be processed and acted upon in accordance with §§ 345-118 and 345-805H.
Each Development Parcel Plan required under this chapter must be prepared and submitted by or on behalf of the Owner of the applicable property.
Each Development Parcel Plan must be signed by the Owner or by its duly authorized agent. If signed by an agent, a written irrevocable durable power of attorney appointing such agent and authorizing such agent to act on behalf of the Owner must accompany the Plan.
Plan Requirements. Each Development Parcel Plan submitted under this chapter must include the standards and requirements for the Development Parcel Plan area and one or more maps reflecting each of the items listed in § 345-805H, all in compliance with this chapter and the standards and requirements of the applicable Character District, Civic District, or Special District in which the land covered by such Development Parcel Plan is situated, as determined by:
The applicable Zoning Map then in effect if such Development Parcel Plan is not being submitted as part of an application for Zoning Map Amendment; or
The proposed Zoning Map or Zoning Map amendment if such Development Parcel Plan is being submitted as part of an application for a Zoning Map amendment.
Items Required on/with Development Parcel Plan. The items and information required by § 345-805H must be shown on or included with each Development Parcel Plan, each in compliance with this chapter and, as applicable under § 345-501B(6) above, the existing or proposed Zoning Map.
Pedestrian Sheds. Any proposed Development Parcel Plan must be based upon one or several proposed or existing Standard or Linear Pedestrian Sheds, as applicable, located according to existing conditions, such as traffic intersections, Adjacent Development, and natural features. Each Pedestrian Shed must have a Common Destination near its center. See Illustration 345.501.B-1 (Standard Pedestrian Shed) and Illustration 345.501.B-2 (Linear Pedestrian Shed). The Development Parcel Plan site may be smaller or larger than the Pedestrian Shed within which it is situated.
Illustration 345.501.B-1
Standard Pedestrian Shed
345 Illus 345-501-B-1 Std Pedestrian Shed.tif
Illustration 345.501.B-2
Linear Pedestrian Shed
345 Illus 345-501-B-2 Linear Pedestrian Shed.tif
Civic Districts. Civic Districts must be assigned according to and as required by §§ 345-504 and 345-204B.
Character Districts. Character Districts must be assigned as required by § 345-204A.
Special Districts. Special Districts, if any, must be assigned according to § 345-204C.
Thoroughfare Network. The Thoroughfare network must be laid out according to § 345-502.
General. Thoroughfares must be comprised generally of Vehicular Parking Lanes, Vehicular Travel Lanes, any Bicycle Accommodations, and the Public Frontage, which is comprised of the Sidewalks, tree planting area, Thoroughfare trees, and streetlights.
Illustration 345.502.A
345 Illus 345-502-A Thoroughfares.tif
Thoroughfare Standards. Any Thoroughfares within or Adjacent to a Development Parcel on a Development Parcel Plan must comply with the following standards:
Access. Thoroughfares must provide for vehicular and nonvehicular traffic and provide Access to Lots and Open Spaces.
Components. Thoroughfares must consist of Vehicular Lanes, any Bicycle Accommodations and Public Frontages.
Thoroughfares in Multiple Districts. The Public Frontages of Thoroughfares that pass from one District to another must be adjusted accordingly or, alternatively, the District may follow the alignment of the Thoroughfare to the depth of one Lot, retaining a single Public Frontage throughout its trajectory.
Block Perimeter. Thoroughfares must be designed to define Blocks not exceeding any applicable perimeter size prescribed in Table 345.503 (Block Perimeter Standards), measured as the sum of Lot Frontage Lines, subject to adjustment by Waiver of the Zoning Administrator at the edge of a Development Parcel.
Network/Connections. Thoroughfares must terminate at other Thoroughfares, forming a network, with internal Thoroughfares connecting wherever possible to those on Adjacent sites and culs-de-sac not being allowed unless approved by Waiver of the Zoning Administrator to accommodate specific site conditions.
Thoroughfare Types. Each Thoroughfare must be one of the types described in Table 345.502.B-1 (Thoroughfare Types: Summary) for the applicable District or the District Adjacent to a Civic District.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Table 345.502.B-1
Thoroughfare Types: Summary
Thoroughfare Type
Permitted Districts
Rear Alley
A vehicular way located to the rear of Lots, providing Access to service areas, Parking, and Accessory Buildings and containing utility Easements. In CD-5, CD-5W, CD-6, and CD-6T, Rear Alleys should be paved from Building face to Building face, with Drainage by inverted crown at the center or with roll Curbs at the edges.
345 Rear Alley.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Neighborhood Street
A local urban Thoroughfare of low speed and capacity and having a Public Frontage with raised Curbs drained by inlets, Sidewalks separated from the Vehicular Lanes by individual or continuous Planters, and Parking on one or both sides. The landscaping consists of regularly spaced and aligned rows of trees along the Thoroughfare.
345 Neighborhood Street.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif
Commercial Street
A Thoroughfare type designed for moderate to high vehicular capacity and slow speed, traversing an urbanized area. The Public Frontage has raised Curbs drained by inlets and very wide Sidewalks along both sides, separated from the Vehicular Lanes by separate tree wells or planters with grates and Parking on both sides. The landscaping consists of regularly spaced and aligned rows of trees along the thoroughfare, which clears the storefront entrances.
345 Commercial Street.tif
345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
A Thoroughfare type with Building Frontages on one side and no or very sporadic Building Frontages on the other side. Frequently, a Drive is used along a boundary between an urbanized area and a natural condition along a waterfront, Natural Area, or Green. The Public Frontage has raised Curbs drained by inlets and a wide Sidewalk or paved Path along one side, related to the waterfront, Natural Area, or Green. It is separated from the Vehicular Lanes by individual or continuous planters. The landscaping consists of Thoroughfare Trees aligned in a regularly spaced row.
345 Drive.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif
2-Lane Avenue
A Thoroughfare of moderate vehicular capacity and low to moderate speed, acting as a short-distance connector between urban centers, and usually equipped with a landscaped median. Its Public Frontage has raised Curbs drained by inlets and wide Sidewalks separated from the Vehicular Lanes by a narrow continuous planter with parking on both sides. The landscaping consists of regularly spaced and aligned rows of trees along the Thoroughfare.
345 2 Lane Avenue.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
4-Lane Avenue
A Thoroughfare of high vehicular capacity and low to moderate speed, acting as a short-distance connector between urban centers, and usually equipped with a landscaped median. Its Public Frontage has raised Curbs drained by inlets and wide Sidewalks separated from the Vehicular Lanes by a narrow continuous Planter with parking on both sides. The landscaping consists of regularly spaced and aligned rows of trees along the Thoroughfare.
345 4 Lane Avenue.tif
345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards. Thoroughfares within Districts and within Civic Districts Adjacent to Districts must conform to the applicable Thoroughfare Standards for such Districts set forth in Table 345.502.B-2 (Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards).
[Amended 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Table 345.502.B-2
Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards
Rear Alley
345 Thoroughfare Rear Alley.tif
Permitted Districts 345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Thoroughfare Type: Rear Alley
Right-of-Way Width
24 feet maximum
345 Orange A.tif
Pavement Width
24 feet maximum
345 Orange B.tif
Slow Movement
Travel Lanes
Travel Lane Width
Parking Lanes
Parking Lane Width
Bikeway Type
Walkway Type
Walkway Width
Planter Type
Planter Width
Landscape Type
Tree Species
Turning Radius
Not regulated
Curb Radius
Curb Type
Not regulated
Neighborhood Street
345 Thoroughfare Neighborhood Street.tif
Permitted Districts 345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif
Thoroughfare Type: Neighborhood Street
Right-of-Way Width
54 feet to 76 feet
345 Orange A.tif
Pavement Width
28 feet to 36 feet
345 Orange B.tif
Travel Lanes
2 lanes
345 Orange C.tif
Travel Lane Width
10 feet
Parking Lanes
Parallel, 1 or both sides
345 Orange D.tif
Parking Lane Width
8 feet
Bikeway Type
Shared use lane, buffered bicycle lane. See Table 345.502.D.1
1Bikeways are optional. If bikeways are provided, right-of-way and pavement width may be increased by the aggregate width of bikeways, in accordance with Table 345.502.D (Bikeway Types).
Walkway Type
Sidewalk, both sides
345 Orange F.tif
Walkway Width
5 feet to 8 feet
Planter Type
345 Orange E.tif
Planter Width
8 feet to 12 feet
Landscape Type
Trees at 30 feet on center average; first tree must be placed within 30 feet of Block corner
Tree Species
See § 345-502C.
Turning Radius
25 feet minimum
Curb Radius
10 feet to 20 feet,1 except where travel lane is adjacent to the curb, the maximum curb radius must be 25 feet.
345 Orange G.tif
Curb Type
Raised Curb (Travel Lane may not include gutter; Parking Lane may.)
1Designated truck routes may have a curb radius larger than 20 feet if required by the Department of Public Works to accommodate the design vehicle for that route.
Lighting placement
Lighting must generally be placed midway between Thoroughfare Trees where possible
In CD-3
Not regulated
In CD-4
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at mid-block
Lighting type
Per Table 345.502.E (Public Lighting Types)
Commercial Street
345 Thoroughfare Comm Street.tif
Permitted Districts 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Thoroughfare Type: Commercial Street
Right-of-Way Width
60 feet to 76 feet
345 Orange A.tif
Pavement Width
36 feet
345 Orange B.tif
Travel Lanes
2 lanes
Travel Lane Width
10 feet
345 Orange C.tif
Parking Lanes
Parallel, 2 sides
345 Orange D.tif
Parking Lane Width
8 feet, marked
Bikeway Type
Shared Use Lane, Buffered Bicycle Lane, Protected Bicycle Lane. See Table 345.502.D.1
1Bikeways are optional. If bikeways are provided, right-of-way and pavement width may be increased by the aggregate width of bikeways, in accordance with Table 345.502.D (Bikeway Types).
Walkway Type
Sidewalk, both sides
345 Orange F.tif
Walkway Width
12 feet to 20 feet
Planter Type
Tree Well or Planter
345 Orange E.tif
Planter Width
4 feet to 6 feet
Landscape Type
Trees at 30 feet on center average; first tree must be placed within 30 feet of Block corner
Tree Species
See § 345-502C.
Turning Radius
25 feet minimum
Curb Radius
5 feet to 20 feet,1 except where travel lane is adjacent to the curb, the maximum curb radius must be 25 feet
345 Orange G.tif
Curb Type
Raised Curb (Travel lane may not include gutter; Parking Lane may.)
1Designated truck routes may have a curb radius larger than 20 feet if required by the Department of Public Works to accommodate the design vehicle for that route.
Lighting Placement
Lighting must generally be placed midway between Thoroughfare Trees where possible.
In CD-3
Not regulated
In CD-4
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at mid-block
In CD-5, CD-5W, CD-6, and CD-6T
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at 50 feet minimum on center
Lighting Type
Per Table 345.502.E (Public Lighting Types)
345 Thoroughfare Drive.tif
Permitted Districts 345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif
Thoroughfare Type
Right-of-Way Width
50 feet to 72 feet
345 Orange A.tif
Pavement Width
18 feet to 28 feet
345 Orange B.tif
Travel Lanes
1 to 2 lanes
Travel Lane Width
10 feet
345 Orange C.tif
Parking Lanes
Parallel, 1 side
345 Orange D.tif
Parking Lane Width
8 feet, unmarked
Bikeway Type
Shared Use Lane, Buffered Bicycle Lane. See Table 345.502.D.1
1Bikeways are optional. If bikeways are provided, right-of-way and pavement width may be increased by the aggregate width of bikeways, in accordance with Table 345.502.D (Bikeway Types).
Walkway Type
Sidewalk, both sides
345 Orange F.tif
Walkway Width
8 feet to 10 feet
Planter Type
Continuous Planter
345 Orange E.tif
Planter Width
8 feet to 12 feet
Landscape Type
Trees at 30 feet on center average; first tree must be placed within 30 feet of Block corner.
Tree Species
See § 345-502C.
Turning Radius
25 feet minimum
Curb Radius
10 feet to 20 feet,1 except where travel lane is adjacent to the curb, the maximum curb radius must be 25 feet.
345 Orange G.tif
Curb Type
Raised Curb (Travel Lane may not include gutter; Parking Lane may.)
1Designated truck routes may have a curb radius larger than 20 feet if required by the Department of Public Works to accommodate the design vehicle for that route.
Lighting Placement
Lighting must generally be placed midway between Thoroughfare Trees where possible
In CD-3
Not regulated
In CD-4
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at mid-block
Lighting Type
Per Table 345.502.E (Public Lighting Types)
2-Lane Avenue
345 Thoroughfare 2 Lane Avenue.tif
Permitted Districts 345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Thoroughfare Type: 2 Lane Avenue
Right-of-Way Width
79 feet to 176 feet
345 Orange A.tif
Pavement Width
36 feet
345 Orange B.tif
Median Width
15 feet to 60 feet
345 Orange C.tif
Travel Lanes
2 Lanes
345 Orange D.tif
Travel Lane Width
10 feet
Parking Lanes
Parallel, 2 sides
345 Orange E.tif
Parking Lane Width
8 feet, marked
Bikeway Type
Shared Use Lane, Buffered Bicycle Lane, Protected Bicycle Lane. See Table 345.502.D.1
345 Orange F.tif
1Bikeways are optional. If bikeways are provided, right-of-way and pavement width may be increased by the aggregate width of bikeways, in accordance with Table 345.502.D (Bikeway Types).
Walkway Type
Sidewalk, both sides
345 Orange H.tif
Walkway Width
6 feet to 20 feet
Planter Type
Continuous Planter
345 Orange G.tif
Planter Width
8 feet to 20 feet
Landscape Type
Trees at 30 feet on center average; first tree must be placed within 30 feet of Block corner.
Tree Species
See § 345-502C.
Turning Radius
25 feet minimum
Curb Radius
10 feet to 20 feet,1 except where travel lane is adjacent to the curb, the maximum curb radius must be 25 feet.
Curb Type
Raised Curb (Travel Lane may not include gutter; Parking Lane may.)
1Designated truck routes may have a curb radius larger than 20 feet if required by the Department of Public Works to accommodate the design vehicle for that route.
Lighting Placement
Lighting must generally be placed midway between Thoroughfare Trees where possible
In CD-3
Not regulated
In CD-4
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at mid-block
In CD-5, CD-5W, CD-6, and CD-6T
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at 50 feet minimum on center
Lighting Type
Per Table 345.502.E (Public Lighting Types)
4-Lane Avenue
345 Thoroughfare 4 Lane Avenue.tif
Permitted Districts 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Thoroughfare Type: 4-Lane Avenue
Right-of-Way Width
99 feet to 196 feet
345 Orange A.tif
Pavement Width
56 feet
345 Orange B.tif
Median Width
15 feet to 60 feet
345 Orange C.tif
Travel Lanes
4 Lanes
345 Orange D.tif
Travel Lane Width
10 feet
Parking Lanes
Parallel, 2 sides
345 Orange E.tif
Parking Lane Width
8 feet, marked
Bikeway Type
Shared Use Lane, Buffered Bicycle Lane, Protected Bicycle Lane. See Table 345.502.D.1
345 Orange F.tif
1Bikeways are optional. If bikeways are provided, right-of-way and pavement width may be increased by the aggregate width of bikeways, in accordance with Table 345.502.D (Bikeway Types).
Walkway Type
Sidewalk, both sides
345 Orange H.tif
Walkway Width
6 feet to 20 feet
Planter Type
Continuous Planter
345 Orange G.tif
Planter Width
8 feet to 20 feet
Landscape Type
Trees at 30 feet on center average; first tree must be placed within 30 feet of Block corner.
Tree Species
See § 345-502C.
Turning Radius
25 feet minimum
Curb Radius
10 feet to 20 feet,1 except where travel lane is adjacent to the curb, the maximum curb radius must be 25 feet.
Curb Type
Raised Curb (Travel Lane may not include gutter; Parking Lane may.)
1Designated truck routes may have a curb radius larger than 20 feet if required by the Department of Public Works to accommodate the design vehicle for that route.
Lighting Placement
Lighting must generally be placed midway between Thoroughfare Trees where possible
In all CD-3
Not regulated
In CD-4
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at mid-block
In CD-5, CD-5W, CD-6, and CD-6T
Within 20 feet of each Block corner and at 50 feet minimum on center
Lighting Type
Per Table 345.502.E (Public Lighting Types)
Illustration 345.502.B-3
Turning Radius
345 Illus 345-502-B-3 Turning Radius.tif
Sight Triangle. At all Thoroughfare intersections, the visibility standard of § 345-405C(7) must be met.
Connecting Driveways. Where a Driveway connects to a collector or major Thoroughfare, it must be designed to provide for a turnaround to avoid backing into the Thoroughfare.
Public Frontages.
Elements. The Public Frontage must include the Sidewalk, Curb, any planter, any bicycle accommodations, any Thoroughfare trees, and any streetlights, allocated within and designed in accordance with this Article 5, Table 345.502.D (Bikeway Types), Table 345.502.B-1 (Thoroughfare Types: Summary), and Table 345.502.B-2 (Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards). Thoroughfare Trees are not required along any side of a Thoroughfare that is contiguous to a Civic Space.
Illustration 345.502.C-1
Public Frontage
345 Illus 345-502-C-1 Public Frontage.tif
Civic Districts. Within Civic Districts, the Public Frontage must comply with the Public Frontage standards applicable to any Adjacent Character District, or if there is none, the nearest Character District.
Plantings Provided by Owner.
Within the Public Frontage, Public Planting, if any is required or is to be provided, must be provided by the property Owner in accordance with Table 345.502.B-2 (Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards), provided that the spacing may be adjusted by Waiver of the Zoning Administrator to accommodate specific site conditions. Tree species must be selected from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation recommended tree species list, provided that coniferous trees are not allowed within the public right-of-way.
Tree Height at Maturity. The Public Frontage must include Thoroughfare trees with shade canopies of a height that, at maturity, leaves clear at least one Story.
Plant Species. Other than Thoroughfare trees prescribed by this article, the introduced landscape must consist primarily of durable native species and hybrids that are tolerant of soil compaction and require minimal irrigation, fertilization and maintenance.
Sidewalk Construction Standards. Sidewalks meeting the technical standards of the Village Engineer and the standards and requirements set forth in Table 345.502.B-2 (Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards) are required to ensure pedestrian movement and safety.
Placement of Trees. Thoroughfare trees, any other landscaping within the Public Frontage, and landscaping within Civic Districts and any Special Districts must comply with the following standards:
The same must be centered horizontally and placed minimally:
Two feet from walkways, curbs, and other impervious surfaces if planted in a tree well or continuous planter;
Three feet from walkways, curbs, and other impervious surfaces if planted in a continuous Swale or uncontained area.
Five feet from streetlights, utility meters and service lines, fences, walls and other ground level obstructions;
Six feet from porch eaves, awnings and similar overhead obstructions associated with the ground level of Buildings; and
Eight feet from balconies, verandas, Building eaves and cornices, and similar overhead obstructions associated with the upper stories of Buildings.
Tree Size: Installation. At installation, trees must be a minimum of 2.5 inches in caliper.
Shrub Size. At installation, Shrubs must be a three-gallon container minimum and a height of 30 inches minimum. Shrubs must be 18 inches to 24 inches minimum clear from any Sidewalk or pavement edge at the Lot Line.
Bare/Exposed Ground. All bare or exposed ground on the site and in landscaped areas must be covered with live plant materials and/or mulch, with the following exceptions:
Naturally occurring creek beds, rock outcroppings or similar landscape features typically lacking in vegetation.
Hiking trails and/or traces.
Clay or sand surfaces associated with recreation fields and facilities.
Artificial Plants/Turf. Artificial plants and artificial turf are prohibited.
Temporary Spray Irrigation. Temporary spray irrigation systems may be used to establish seeded areas for grass and groundcover and native drought-tolerant landscape.
Water Features. Constructed water features, such as fountains, streams and ponds that operate with water recirculation systems, must be designed to prevent seepage and leaks.
Minimum Requirements. Except as otherwise required by § 345-502C(8) and (9), all plant materials must comply with the minimum container size, class and other requirements outlined in American Standards for Nursery Stock (ANSI Z60.1-2004) published by the American Nursery and Landscape Association (ANLA) or other local Nursery Association Standards.
Prevention of Compaction. The soil structure of planting strips must be protected from compaction with a temporary construction fence. Standards of access, excavation, movement, storage and backfilling of soils in relation to the construction and maintenance of deep utilities and manholes must be specified.
Mitigation of Wind Erosion. Wind erosion must be mitigated and controlled through dust abatement and similar practices during the period of site work and construction.
Compacted Soils. Landscape soils that have been compacted during construction activities must be loosened and aerated to a depth of at least six inches before planting.
Condition of Plants. Plants must have normal, well-developed branches and vigorous root systems.
Bicycle Accommodations.
Bicycle Parking. Bicycle Parking must be provided in accordance with § 345-405O.
Bikeway Types. Within Character Districts, a bicycle network comprised of the various allowed Bikeway Types indicated in Table 345.502D (Bikeway Types) must be provided throughout each Development Parcel.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Table 345.502.D
Bikeway Types
Bicycle Lane
345 Bicycle Lane.tif
Permitted Districts
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-3R20.tif 345 CD-3R5.tif 345 CD-3R7.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 SD-PMU Rec.tif 345 SD-PRD Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Riding Surface Width
5 feet minimum
With traffic
Intersection Detailing
Signalized, Peg-a-Track, colored, Bicycle Box
Bicycle Parking
Rack, bicycle shelter, bicycle station
Protected Bicycle Lane
345 Protected Bicycle Lane.tif
Permitted Districts
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-3R20.tif 345 CD-3R5.tif 345 CD-3R7.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 SD-PMU Rec.tif 345 SD-PRD Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Riding Surface Width
5 feet minimum
3 feet minimum painted buffer, curb, or planter strip
With traffic or dual direction
Intersection Detailing
Signalized, Peg-a-Track, colored, Bicycle Box
Bicycle Parking
Rack, bicycle shelter, bicycle station
Buffered Bicycle Lane
345 Buffered Bicycle Lane.tif
Permitted Districts
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-3R20.tif 345 CD-3R5.tif 345 CD-3R7.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 SD-PMU Rec.tif 345 SD-PRD Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Riding Surface Width
5 feet minimum each way
2 feet minimum painted buffer
With traffic or contra-flow (2 lanes on the same side of the street or 1 lane on each side)
Intersection Detailing
Signalized, Peg-a-Track, colored, Bicycle Box
Bicycle Parking
Rack, bicycle shelter, bicycle station
Shared Use Lane
345 Shared Use Lane.tif
Permitted Districts
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-3R20.tif 345 CD-3R5.tif 345 CD-3R7.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 SD-PMU Rec.tif 345 SD-PRD Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Riding Surface Width
Same as vehicular lane
With traffic
Intersection Detailing
Signed, signalized
Bicycle Parking
Rack, bicycle shelter, if practical
Shared Use Path
345 Shared Use Path.tif
Permitted Districts
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-3R20.tif 345 CD-3R5.tif 345 CD-3R7.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 SD-PMU Rec.tif 345 SD-PRD Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Riding Surface Width
10 feet minimum
3 feet minimum curb or planter strip
With traffic or dual direction
Intersection Detailing
Signed, signalized, Peg-a-Track
Bicycle Parking
Rack, bicycle shelter, bicycle station
Bicycle Accommodation Standards: Civic Districts. Within Civic Districts, any bicycle accommodations must comply with the standards applicable to any Adjacent Character District.
Bicycle Accommodation Standards: Special Districts. Within Special Districts, any bicycle accommodations must comply with any applicable standards for the Special District.
Public Lighting. Public Lighting must be provided within the Public Frontage of Thoroughfares in accordance with Table 345.502.B-1 (Thoroughfare Types: Summary), Table 345.502.B-2 (Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards), and Table 345.502.E (Public Lighting Types).
[Amended 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Table 345.502.E
Public Lighting Types
The following notations are utilized in this table:
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
Not permitted
Lighting Type
Head Types
Cobra Head
345 Cobra Head.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
Off-Road Head
345 Off Road Head.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
Colonial Head
345 Colonial Head.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
Coach Head
345 Coach Head.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
Acorn Head
345 Acorn Head.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
Pole Types
Fiberglass Pole
345 Fiberglass Pole.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
Aluminum Pole
345 Aluminum Pole.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
Octagonal Concrete Pole
345 Octagonal Concrete Pole.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
Fluted Concrete Pole
345 Fluted Concrete Pole.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
Public Planting. Public Planting must be provided within the Public Frontage of Thoroughfares in accordance with Table 345.502.B-1 (Thoroughfare Types: Summary), Table 345.502.B-2 (Thoroughfare Assemblies and Standards), and Table 345.502.F (Public Planting) and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation recommended tree species list.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Table 345.502.F
Public Planting
The following notations are utilized in this table:
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
Not permitted
Tree Shape
Example Species
345 Columnar.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
See November 2018 Port Chester Tree Management Plan.
345 Oval.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
See November 2018 Port Chester Tree Management Plan.
345 Rounded Ball.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
See November 2018 Port Chester Tree Management Plan.
345 Conical Pyramid.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
See November 2018 Port Chester Tree Management Plan.
345 Spreading Umbrella.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
See November 2018 Port Chester Tree Management Plan.
345 Vase.tif
345 P.tif
345 P.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
345 NP.tif
See November 2018 Port Chester Tree Management Plan.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Each Block must conform to the applicable Block Perimeter Standards set forth in Table 345.503 (Block Perimeter Standards).
Table 345.503
Block Perimeter Standards
Maximum Perimeter
CD-3.R20, CD-3.R7, CD-3.R5, SD-PMU, and SD-PRD
Not regulated
CD-5, CD-5W, CD-6, and CD-6T
2,000 or 3,000 if Parking Structure provided within the Block
Civic Space Requirement; Civic District Designation.
Percentage Range of Civic Space. Any Development Parcel Plan having an area of 10 gross acres or more, excluding any Special Districts, must include at least 5% but not more than 20% of its gross acreage assigned as Civic Space(s). The Civic Space provided pursuant to this § 345-504A(1) shall be in addition to all Yard, Setback, Usable Open Space, and area required not to be covered under Article 4 (Building and Lot Plans; Building and Lot Standards) and this Article 5.
Designation on Zoning Map. Civic District(s) must be designated on the applicable Zoning Map as Civic Space (CS) and/or Civic Building (CB). Civic Districts must be assigned in accordance with § 345-204B.
Compliance with Civic District Standards. All Lots, Development, Buildings, Structures and Improvements within Civic Districts must comply with Table 345.405.B (Civic District Standards).
Civic Spaces: Design. Civic Spaces Adjacent to a Character District must be designed as generally described in Table 345.504.B-1 (Civic Space Types: Summary) and Table 345.504.B-2 (Civic Space: Specific Standards) and as indicated for such Adjacent Character District.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Summary of Civic Space Types.
Table 345.504.B-1
Civic Space Types: Summary
Civic Space Type
Permitted In/Adjacent to Character Districts
Natural Area
A natural area available for unstructured recreation. A Natural Area may be independent of surrounding Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist of Paths and trails, meadows, water bodies, woodland and open shelters, all naturalistically disposed. Natural Areas may be linear, following the trajectories of natural corridors. The minimum size is 8 acres.
345 Natural Area.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif
An Open Space, available for unstructured recreation. A Green may be spatially defined by landscaping rather than Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist of lawn and Trees, naturalistically disposed. The minimum size is 0.5 acre and the maximum is 8 acres.
345 Green.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif
An Open Space available for unstructured recreation and Civic purposes. A Square is spatially defined by Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist of Paths, lawns and trees, formally disposed. Squares must be located at the intersection of important Thoroughfares. The minimum size is 0.5 acre and the maximum is 5 acres.
345 Square.tif
345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
An Open Space available for Civic purposes. A Plaza must be spatially defined by Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist primarily of pavement. Trees are optional. Plazas must be located at the intersection of important Thoroughfares. The minimum size must be 0.5 acre and the maximum is 2 acres.
345 Plaza.tif
345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
An Open Space designed and equipped for the recreation of children. A Playground may include an open shelter. Playgrounds must be interspersed within Residential areas and may be placed within a Block. Playgrounds may be included within Natural Areas and Greens. There is no minimum or maximum size.
345 Playground.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Sports Field or Court
An Open Space designed and equipped for team sports activities.
345 Sport Field.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Community Garden
A grouping of garden plots available for small-scale cultivation, generally to residents without private gardens. Community gardens should be fenced and accommodate individual storage sheds. Running water is required. Community Gardens should be interspersed within Residential areas and may be placed within a Block or included within Natural Areas and Greens. There is no minimum or maximum size.
345 Community Garden.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Pocket Park
A small predominantly green Open Space available for unstructured passive recreation.
345 Pocket Park.tif
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
Specific Standards for Civic Space.
Table 345.504.B-2
Civic Space: Specific Standards
Natural Area
345 Natural Area Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif
A natural area available for unstructured recreation. A natural area may be independent of surrounding Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist of Paths and trails, meadows, water bodies, woodland and open shelters, all naturalistically disposed. Natural areas may be linear, following the trajectories of natural corridors. The minimum size is 8 acres.
8 acres minimum
Not regulated
Typical Facilities
Passive and active recreation
Recreational and community facilities
Playgrounds and play structures
Paths and trails
Accessory structures
345 Green Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif
An Open Space, available for unstructured recreation. A Green may be spatially defined by landscaping rather than Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist of lawn and trees, naturalistically disposed. The minimum size is 0.5 acre and the maximum is 8 acres.
0.5 acres minimum
8 acres maximum
Typical Facilities
Passive and active recreation
Playgrounds and play structures
Paths and trails
Accessory structures
345 Square Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
An Open Space available for unstructured recreation and Civic purposes. A Square is spatially defined by Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist of paths, lawns and trees, formally disposed. Squares must be located at the intersection of important Thoroughfares. The minimum size is 0.5 acre and the maximum is 5 acres.
0.5 acres minimum
5 acres maximum
Typical Facilities
Passive recreation
Accessory structures
345 Plaza Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
An Open Space available for Civic purposes. A Plaza must be spatially defined by Building Frontages. Its landscape must consist primarily of pavement. Trees are optional. Plazas must be located at the intersection of important Thoroughfares. The minimum size is 0.5 acre and the maximum is 2 acres.
0.5 acres minimum
2 acres maximum
Typical Facilities
Passive recreation
Accessory structures
Water features
345 Playground Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
An Open Space designed and equipped for the recreation of children. A Playground may include an open shelter. Playgrounds must be interspersed within Residential areas and may be placed within a Block. Playgrounds may be included within Natural Areas and Greens. There is no minimum or maximum size.
No minimum
No maximum
Formal or informal
Typical Facilities
Active recreation
Play structures
Water features
Sports Field or Court
345 Sport Field Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
An Open Space designed and equipped for team sports activities.
No minimum
No maximum
Typical Facilities
Active recreation
Play structures
Community Garden
345 Comm Garden Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
A grouping of garden plots available for small-scale cultivation, generally to residents without private gardens. Community gardens should be fenced and accommodate individual storage sheds. Running water is required. Community Gardens should be interspersed within Residential areas and may be placed within a Block or included within Natural Areas and Greens. There is no minimum or maximum size.
No minimum
No maximum
May be enfronted by Buildings or be located behind Buildings
Typical Facilities
Active recreation
Garden plots
Accessory structures
Running water
Pocket Park
345 Pocket Park Spec Stds.tif
Permitted In/Adjacent to:
345 CD-3 Rec.tif 345 CD-4 Rec.tif 345 CD-5 Rec.tif 345 CD-5W Rec.tif 345 CD-6 Rec.tif 345 CD-6T Rec.tif
A small predominantly green Open Space available for unstructured passive recreation.
500 square feet minimum
0.5 acre maximum
Typical Facilities
Passive recreation
Community gardens
Playgrounds and play Structures
Paths and trails
Limited transient commercial concessions
Civic Spaces Required. Any Development Parcel Plan having an aggregate area of 10 gross acres or more, excluding any Special Districts, must provide the following:
Main Civic Space. Each Pedestrian Shed of which the area is a part must contain at least one Main Civic Space of the Green, Square, or Plaza type conforming to Table 345.504.B-1 (Civic Space Types: Summary), within 800 feet of the geographic center of such Pedestrian Shed, unless topographic conditions, preexisting Thoroughfare alignments or other circumstances prevent such location;
Playground. Within 800 feet of every Lot in Residential Use, a Civic Space designed and equipped as a Playground conforming to Table 345.504.B-2 (Civic Spaces: Playground); and
Thoroughfare Enfrontment. Each Civic Space must have a minimum of 50% of its perimeter Enfronting a Thoroughfare, except for Playgrounds or Community Gardens and Civic Space meeting the requirements of § 345-504A(1).
Civic Spaces in or Adjacent to Special Districts. Civic Space in addition to that permitted or required by § 345-504C may be permitted or required within Special Districts if approved by the Board of Trustees.
Civic Buildings Required. All Development Parcel Plans having an aggregate area of 10 gross acres or more, excluding any Special Districts, must require the Owner to construct a Meeting Hall or a Third Place in proximity to the Main Civic Space of each Pedestrian Shed and having a corresponding Public Frontage equipped with a shelter and bench for a transit stop.
Civic Building Standards. Any Civic Building provided or required pursuant to this chapter must be located within or Adjacent to a Civic Space, or at the axial termination of a significant Thoroughfare.
Maintenance of Civic Buildings and Civic Space. Civic Buildings and Civic Space must be owned and maintained by a property owners' association unless specifically dedicated to and accepted by the Village. Any such property owners' association must be organized under the laws of the state. The deed conveying a Civic Building or Civic Space to a property owners' association must include covenants running with the land that permanently reserve it for Civic purposes and require the association to maintain and pay all expenses associated with such Civic Building or Civic Space.
A Development Parcel Plan must designate all Character Districts within it.
Purpose of Special Districts. Special District designations are for areas which, by their intrinsic size, Use, or Configuration, cannot conform to the requirements of the applicable Character District(s).
Not To Be Used to Avoid Compliance. Special Districts must not be used to avoid compliance with standards and requirements for Character Districts, and instead, must be used sparingly.
Assignment of Special Districts. Special Districts must be assigned in accordance with § 345-204C.
A Development Parcel Plan may designate any of the special requirements set forth in § 345-202B.