[Adopted 8-20-1973 as Sec. 2-7 of Art. I of Ch. 2 of the 1973 Code]
Full-time employees, whether regular or provisional, who have been employed steadily shall be entitled to additional pay, to be known as "longevity pay," in the amount of $100 per year, beginning on the fifth anniversary date of their employment; in the amount of an additional $100 per year beginning on the tenth anniversary date of their employment; in the amount of an additional $100 per year, beginning on the fifteenth anniversary date of their employment; in the amount of an additional $100 per year beginning on the twentieth anniversary date of their employment; and in the amount of an additional $100 per year beginning on the twenty-fifth anniversary date of their employment, making a total longevity pay of $500 per year for employees who have been steadily employed for 25 years or more.
Any employee who is voluntarily separated from village employment will lose all time that may have been accumulated toward longevity. Any employee who is granted a leave of absence from employment to complete his or her education shall retain the time he or she has accumulated prior to the leave of absence and shall commence accumulating additional time upon his or her return to employment. If discharged or if employment is terminated for cause, there will be no accumulation of longevity pay.