[1943 Code, § 318.01]
For the purpose of this Chapter the term "florist" shall be construed to mean any person operating, maintaining or conducting the business of selling or offering or keeping for sale flowers and plants of any and all varieties and description in any building, room, stand, enclosure, premises, place, establishment or any part of same in the Village.
[1943 Code, § 318.01]
No person shall manage, conduct, operate or carry on the business of a florist without first having obtained a license therefor.
[1943 Code, § 318.02]
Any person desiring to operate, maintain or conduct the business of florist shall make written application for a license so to do which shall conform to the general requirement of Chapter 29 of this Code, relating to applications for licenses, and shall set forth the location at which it is desired to conduct such business and a description of the place or premises where such business is to be conducted. Such licenses shall be issued by the Village Clerk upon the payment of the fee required by Section 29-11 of this Code.
[1943 Code, § 318.03]
Every establishment, place or premises where the business of a florist is conducted, managed or carried on shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition satisfactory to the Commissioner of Health. No decayed, decaying, unwholesome, contaminated or diseased flowers, plants or other things shall be allowed to remain in or about said establishment, and the Health Commissioner is hereby authorized to cause to be installed proper receptacles for the disposition of such decayed, decaying, unwholesome, contaminated or diseased flowers, plants or other things that may be in or about such place, premises or establishment.