The purpose of the Rural Districts is to ensure a sound residential development of the Town in accordance with the aims of the Plan of Conservation and Development and in keeping with the rural character of the community and the natural features of the land.
A family dwelling unit, and conversions to two-family dwellings only as allowed under § 315-7.14. A family dwelling may be located in a manufactured home, but shall not be located in a trailer coach, as defined in these regulations.
A customary home occupation of the occupant of the premises, located in the dwelling occupied by such person as his residence, or in any accessory building, and meeting the requirements of § 315-8.1.
Accessory apartments meeting the requirements of § 315-8.2. Except as provided in § 315-8.2 for accessory apartments, no detached accessory buildings shall be used for dwelling purposes unless the lot on which the accessory building is located is conforming.
Short-term rental establishments permitted under § 315-8.3.
[Amended 9-12-2022]
Farms and agriculture, as defined in Article 2, including farm wineries as defined in Article 2.
Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses customarily incidental to a permitted use on the same lot.
The following uses shall be permitted when specifically approved as a special permit by the Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordance with Article 12, subject to such conditions as said Commission may establish:
Schools for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, operated by or for the benefit of a governmental unit, including nursery schools, but excluding a camp.
The lot shall contain a contiguous area not less than the following:
Nursery school: two acres, but not less than the minimum lot area required in the district in which it is located.
Elementary school: five acres plus one acre for each 100 pupils or fraction thereof.
Above the sixth grade: 10 acres plus two acres for each 100 pupils or fraction thereof.
No building for any school or college, except a nursery school, shall be located within 100 feet from any street line or property line.
Churches, parish houses, convents, and similar religious buildings, including cemeteries.
Clubs, lodges and community houses except those of which a chief activity is a gainful service or activity carried on as a business.
Libraries and museums operated by governmental units or nonprofit corporations.
Convalescent homes, homes for the elderly, and adult day care.
Fire or police stations, Town office buildings and similar governmental buildings, including a post office.
Utilities, as follows: electric transformer stations; telephone exchanges for local services; water or natural gas pumping stations or gate houses; antennas and towers. See § 315-8.4.
Public parks and public playgrounds operated by a governmental unit or nonprofit corporation.
Commercial kennels, located on not less than seven acres, for not more than 14 dogs. All buildings, enclosures or runs for dogs shall be located not less than 300 feet from any property line.
Riding or boarding stables, provided that they are on lots of not less than 10 acres and that no buildings or structures used for the housing or containment of animals, including outdoor runs, are located within 300 feet from any property line. No horse shows or exhibitions shall be permitted except as approved by special permit. No exterior loudspeakers shall be used in conjunction with any horse shows or exhibitions.
Boat houses, landings, docks, slips, wharfs, basins, and structures accessory thereto, for the use of the owners and/or occupants of the premises and their guests in residence; provided, however, that an applicant shall substantially meet the criteria of the Guidelines for Tidal Areas in Appendix F of these regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix F is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Earth material operations described in Article 18, subject to the additional requirements of Article 18.
All signs in Rural Districts shall be in conformance with Article 22 of these regulations.
All new lots created within Rural Districts shall meet the following minimum dimensions and areas. All lots shall have a minimum lot frontage of 50 feet at the front lot line.
Minimum Gross Lot Area
(square feet)
Minimum Net Buildable Lot Area
(square feet**)
Minimum Lot Width
Front and Rear Yard
Side Yards Each
Maximum Building Coverage
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage
*Side yard minimums shall be 30 feet each except when the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 require additional setbacks.
A rectangle conforming to the shape factor, as defined in Article 2, must totally fit within the limits of the area used to establish the net buildable area.
The building coverage percentage and impervious surface percentage shall be based on the gross lot area.
**On a lot where the minimum lot width/building setback line is not achieved within 300 feet of the front lot line (also commonly described as a "flag lot" or "rear lot"), the portion of the lot between the front lot line and the building setback line shall not be used as part of the minimum gross lot area requirement. In no case shall the area between the front lot line and the building setback line be less than 50 feet in width. On flag lots, no vehicles may be parked or material stored on a regular basis between the building setback line and the street.
All areas of this district which lie within the area of special flood hazard or within a floodway, as defined in § 315-15.3, shall be subject to the flood management standards of Article 15.
The tidal area frontage shall be at least 100 feet in RU-40 Districts and at least 200 feet in RU-80 Districts and RU-120 Districts. Required frontage length is established by the straight line distance between any two points on the tidal area frontage of a lot.