Buildable area, as defined in Article 2 of these regulations, shall be determined by excluding all required front, side and rear yard area and then applying the percentage allowances indicated below to those portions of the lot which exhibit the following natural resource characteristics:
Natural Resource Characteristics
Percentage Allowance
Soils classified by the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, or other authority as determined by the Commission, as having:
Slight limitations for on-site sewage disposal
@ 100%
Moderate limitations for on-site sewage disposal
@ 75%
Severe limitations for on-site sewage disposal
@ 50%
Note: Complex soils and soils not classified by the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service will be considered severe unless evidence to the contrary is presented to and accepted by the Commission.
Any inland wetland, tidal wetland or watercourse and the 100-foot setback area that surrounds any inland wetland, tidal wetland or watercourse
@ 0%
Flood hazard areas as delineated for HUD flood insurance purposes by the Town of Lyme
@ 25%
Exposed ledge
@ 0%
Note: Examples of determination of net buildable lot area are provided in Appendix E.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix E is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Commission may approve a new lot which does not meet all of the criteria in § 315-20.1 for net buildable lot area if the Commission determines that there is a suitable existing area on the proposed lot with soils and other conditions which will permit the construction of an on-site non-engineered subsurface sewage disposal system and reserve area, and if the Commission further finds that there is adequate additional area within the lot for construction of a dwelling and access without extensive grading or filling.