[Adopted 10-18-73]
It shall be unlawful for any person residing in, conducting business in or operating a facility in the Borough of Maywood to make any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which either annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others within the limits of Maywood or the adjacent communities by land or water.
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The hours between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., inclusive.
1/10 of a bel and expresses the ratio of two values of power, the number of "decibels" being 10 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the power ratio.
The Health Officer or his designated representative.
The hours between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., inclusive.
No person shall refuse, obstruct, hinder, delay or interfere with, by force or otherwise, the performance of the Health Officer or his designated representative of any duty or testing under the provisions of this Article or of any amendments or supplements thereof hereafter or refuse to permit such personnel to perform their duties by refusing them, upon proper identification or presentation of a written order of the Health Department, entrance to any premises at reasonable hours.
There shall be exempt from prohibitions of this Article sounds created by normal governmental operations, traffic sounds, as regulated by New Jersey Statutes and/or the Division of Motor Vehicles, and sounds by emergency apparatus or emergency activities.
All sound-pressure levels shall be measured according to and with equipment that conforms to the current applicable standards published by the American National Standards Institute, New York City, New York, for sound-level meters.
Measrement of noise shall be determined by the average of at least three readings of the sound-level meter taken at the same distance from the source of complaint at not less than two-minute intervals and in such a manner as to ensure that only the noise under study is being measured.
Measurement of noises shall be taken in the center of the room, with one window open, wherein the complainant resides. Such noise levels will be considered in violation of the purpose and spirit of this Article if they exceed 50 decibels on the A-weighing (dBA), slow response during the daytime hours or 40 dBA during the nighttime hours.
In the event that the place of complaint is not accessible, measurements taken outdoors anywhere on the complainant's property shall not exceed 60 dBA during the daytime hours or 50 dBA during the nighttime hours.
Noise not capable of being measured in the above manner, such as, but not by way of limitation, the explosive starting of a motor or other piece of equipment, the dropping of ore in a bin, the squeaking of gears, etc., shall be so controlled as to conform to § 386-3 of this Article.