[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Camden 6-9-2005 by Ord. No. MC-4068 (Ch. 336 of the 1987 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
In addition to any and all hard copy submissions already required for subdivision plans, site plans and certain permit applications, two copies of the digital data files outlined in the submission time frame section shall be submitted to the appropriate City of Camden department, board or agency or official for each project when required by said department, board or agency. All files must be submitted in CAD format (.dwg or .dxf file) or ESRI geodatabase format. Points, lines, polygons, annotations and legends shall be represented in separate layers as outlined in the minimum contents requirements section.
All electronic files must be created in New Jersey State Plane Coordinate System North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83), in US Survey Feet. All files shall not be rotated, so that North faces up to the top of the drawing.
All linework shall connect at line end points. Overlaps, gaps or dangles are not acceptable. Polygon objects, such as parcels or other boundaries, shall be created from line segments, connecting to adjacent linework at intersections. Single, closed polygons are not to be used where coincidental boundaries may occur. All text shall be clearly legible and not obscured by polygon boundaries/linework.
All required digital files for property upgrades/changes/improvements, both permanent and final, shall be submitted to Camden City within 30 days of recordation of the final plat or parcel map. Upon acceptance of the improvements by City of Camden department, board or agency responsible for granting approval, the digital files for all public, private and site development upgrades, changes and/or improvements shall be submitted by the originating party. These digital files shall contain all information as shown on the approved hard copy plans, as well as any approved changes or revision, and any/all as-built information. Any proposed deviation from these guidelines shall be considered by the City of Camden department, board or agency responsible for granting approval on a case-by-case basis only.
Project specific data. The following minimum information must be provided as outlined for each type of project referenced. Each item listed shall be represented as a separate layer in the electronic file.
Signalization data: striping, traffic signs, traffic signals and legend.
Contour data: contour lines and contour elevations.
Grading data: street grade, top of curb elevations.
Road data: right-of-way lines, street name(s), sign locations, center line locations, median island locations, sidewalk locations, crosswalk locations, retaining wall locations, sound barrier locations, driveway/gutter line locations, curblines, handicap ramp locations, traffic light locations, tree/shrub locations and legend.
Surface data: water body locations, stream/drainage ditch locations, park locations, railroad locations, bike path/trail locations, well locations, aboveground storage tank locations and legend.
Survey data: boundary line locations, monument locations, center line locations, lot/parcel boundaries, easement boundaries, easement description, control lines, block and lot number and legend.
Utilities data: transmission line locations, pole locations, transformer locations, lateral locations, meter locations, valve locations, cleanout locations, manhole locations, catch basin locations, hydrant locations, culvert fencing locations, water line locations, sanitary sewer line locations, stormwater drainage facility locations and legend.
Metadata. All digital data will require an accompanying metadata (text) file. Metadata should be submitted in Federal Geospatial Data Convention (FGDC), which is the federal data standard. This file will be in ACSII file (.txt extension) format using the same naming convention as the individual project file being submitted. This file will contain the following minimum information:
Project identifier (e.g., subdivision name, permit ID, easement location).
Electronic file name and format.
Draft date.
Contact name.
Contact phone.
Contact e-mail.
Spatial location [block and lot number(s), street names, addresses, etc.]
Short project description.
Method information (explanation of assumptions used to determine subdivision or easement boundary lines. Indicate whether boundary lines reflect actual or legal lengths.).
A data custodian shall be appointed for the City of Camden. The custodian shall verify receipt of required digital files, forwarding one copy to the Municipal Clerk for archival and the other copy to the appropriate municipal body or official for approval/incorporation.