It shall be unlawful for any person to harass, intimidate or bully a minor.
No person shall retaliate in any form against any person who reports conduct which is prohibited by this chapter.
It shall be unlawful for the parent, guardian or other person having custody or control of a minor to permit or allow such minor to harass, intimidate or bully another minor.
Minor/parents/other persons covered by the HUB program. The City of Camden is instituting a two-year pilot program, Restorative and Transformative Justice Hub, focusing on reducing initial and repeat youth involvement with the juvenile justice system. As such, the City, which is making use of this pilot program, will not be sanctioning minors, their parents or any other person who falls within the provisions of the HUB program for any violations pursuant to this chapter. Any potential violators, their parents or any other person who falls within the provisions of the HUB program will instead be referred to the HUB program.
Adult/other person.
Any other person not covered by Subsection A above who violates § 283-3 or 283-4 above may be fined from $25 but not more than $100 for a first offense and not more than $250 for each subsequent offense.
A court having jurisdiction over a person who violates this chapter may, as part of any sentence imposed, also require that the person satisfactorily complete one or both of the following:
A class or training program intended to reduce the tendency toward harassment, intimidation or bullying by means of an electronic communication;
A class or training program intended to bring awareness to the dangers associated with harassment, intimidation or bullying by means of electronic communication.